Monday, January 11, 2010

The most delicious thing you will ever taste!

My best buddy in the whole entire world sent me this jar of heaven for Christmas and let me tell you its the best thing I have EVER tasted in MY whole LIFE!!! Its Belgian Speculoss as a spread. I have never been one to eat out of a jar of something but this THIS is a different story! Its better than peanut butter, better even than Nutella! I, to restrain myself have stuck it in the back of my cabinet in hopes that I might forget about it and then when I see it I get all happy again. Having it on toasted bread is like to DIE for! I can't believe I never knew about this while living there.

1 comment:

  1. The most amazing thing I've ever tasted!
    To lower the blow to your disappointment in yourself, I don't think they even HAD Speculoos spread when we lived in Brussels, let alone ICE CREAM! Now if only we can get that here my life would be complete.... but my belly a little bit bigger!


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