Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Luna and Scout

Today is our 2 cats birthday. You ask, how is is that they both are born on the same day?....Well, Scout was adopted from the streets of North East Philly and she is just a mystery as to when she was actually born. Funny enough the Vet said that she was born about February 9th and that just happened to be Luna's birthday. So there you go! Happy Birthday our little babies...we love you and we love it even more when you keep us up all night long chatting with us and each other.
A bitty bio on them both. Luna does not like to be touched or looked at. On the rare occasion when she would like a little attention it must be on her terms. She will let you know when she is SO over you. She misses my old roommate Niki...they had a connection that no one will ever break or understand. So jealous!
Scout is a boy dog stuck in a girl cat's body and who really wishes she was a human and could eat people food all day. She does not meow...she squeaks.

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