Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Help I need Help.

I am a sucker for good packaging....I don't care if it cost me more...if it looks pretty then I am buying it. Even when it comes to something as silly as Drano. I must have spent like 10mins at Home Depot one time in the Drano aisle trying to rationalize not spending more money on the non generic bottle. I just could not talk my self out of it...I know they do the same thing but one just looked better than the other. This is not a secret...everyone knows this about me...I am a total sucker. Its like these little Help packages. I want them all. I think I probably have everything medicine wise that they are peddling but how great would it be to open up the medicine cabinet and see them all together so perfect and color coordinated and ready for the next emergency. But I have to be honest...I would probably tell someone that they are not really for use...they are just there to look good so let me get you a band-aid from the drawer, I don't want to mess them up.

1 comment:

  1. Can I tell you, I just saw these the other day and almost clotheslined them all into my shopping cart?! My justification was "stocking stuffers"! I am all about pretty packaging, too. I don't need any of the meds or band-aids, but I would get such a giggle pulling it out of my purse or toiletry bag the next time I went somewhere.


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